Electrical Engineering Technology

ETC 101      Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (4)

Introduction to basic circuit laws and analysis, transient circuits and first order circuits. Introduction to electronic devices and linear electronics. Examine the concepts of power systems, programmable logic controllers, and transistor switches. May not be taken for credit by graduates of associate degree programs in electrical/electronic or computer engineering technology. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Corequisite: MAT 120 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with CET 101.

ETC 102      Electric Circuits (4)

Units and definitions. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws. Analysis of resistive circuits. Circuit analysis using superposition, nodal and mesh methods, Norton Thevenin theorems, and current and voltage divider rules. Transient and sinusoidal steady state response of circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and incutors.   Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with CET 102.

ETC 103      Electronics I (4)

Introduction to semiconductors, conductors, and insulators. Analysis of transistors, diodes, and their related application in rectifier and amplifier circuits. Wave‑form interpretation, AC‑DC load lines, biasing techniques, small signal amplifiers, and h parameters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or permission of instructor.  All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll in this course for credit. Cross listed with CET 103.

ETC 202      AC Circuit Analysis (4)

A study of the fundamentals of alternating current including series and parallel AC circuits, phasors, capacitive and inductive networks, transformers, resonance, and transient analysis. Cross listed with CET 202. Prerequisites: ETC 102 and MAT 120

ETC 203      Electronics II (4)

Introduction to operational amplifier circuits incorporating feedback.  Amplifier configurations, feedback amplifiers, applications of Op‑Amps in analog computers, and active filters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 103 or equivalent or permission of instructor.  All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll for this course for credit. Cross listed with CET 203

ETC 210      Digital Systems I (4)

Fundamentals and advanced concepts of digital logic. Boolean algebra and functions. Design and implementation of combinatorial and sequential logic, minimization techniques, number representation, basic binary arithmetic and finite state machines. Logic families and digital integrated circuits and use of CAD tools for logic design. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or equivalent or permission of instructor.  Cross listed with CET 210.

ETC 211      Signal and Systems (4)

Introduction to linear systems and how to interact with continuous and discrete time signals. Analysis of systems and time domain and frequency domain signals. Prerequisites: ETC 102 and MAT 121

ETC 215      Sustainable Energy Systems (2)

An introduction to sustainable energy systems.  Topics include solar energy, wind energy, fuel cell technology, biomass energy, geothermal energy, clean coal technology, ocean energy, hydroelectric power, and nuclear power.  Two hours of lecture per week.  Cross-listed with CTC 215 and MTC 215.

ETC 216      Electronic Communications I (4)

Introduction of analog electronic communication systems. Study of power measurements, signal types, methods of signal analysis and signal generation.  Study of analog communication systems including both amplitude and angle modulation.  Study concepts of radio and video transmission, as well as an introduction of digital modulation techniques.  Prerequisite: ETC 102 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

ETC 265      Sensor Technology (4)

Fundamental principles of sensing.  General performance sensor characteristics related to the measurement process.  Operation principles and the design of the essential sensor systems with a focus on the semiconductor material sensors.  Applications of sensor systems.  Prerequisites: PHY 101T, PHY 101L, and ETC 102 or equivalent.

ETC 270      Additive Manufacturing (4)

Overview of additive manufacturing and development of three-dimensional (3D) objects using computer-based design, existing and emerging additive manufacturing technologies and the critical challenges associated with them; design, and development of necessary skillsets for future workforce development on additive manufacturing. Cross-listed with MTC 270.

ETC 275 Introduction to Programming for Engineers (4)

Introduction to programming with MATLAB provides basic properties of the MATLAB, a powerful programming language and development tool for different disciplines, and programming concepts for engineers for various engineering applications. Students will be doing sample MATLAB engineering problems in real time. Pre-req: MAT 121

ETC 290      Introduction to Nanotechnology (4)

An introductory course covering fundamentals of nanotechnology and its applications.  Course content will cover diverse nanosystems including carbon nanotubes, semiconductor quantum dots, nanosensensors, molecular machines, and nanomedicine. The course will also survey the operation principles of the instruments used for nanostructures characterization and nanofabrication techniques.  Prerequisite: PHY 101T and PHY 101L; CHE 110T and CHE 110L or permission of instructor.  Cross listed with MTC 290.

ETC 299      Quality Control and Workplace Issues (2)

To provide a broad educational understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context along with a knowledge of contemporary issues and career opportunities.  Also, focus will be placed on the process controls necessary for the practice of electrical and computer engineering.  Cross listed with CET 299.

ETC 316      Electronic Communications II (4)

Study of communication signals, digital modulation techniques, telephony, digital, RF and cellular communications. Optical fiber and satellite communications are also introduced.  Prerequisite: ETC 216 or equivalent.

ETC 330      Assistive Technology (2)

Introduction to the fundamentals of assistive technology for people with physical disabilities. Rehabilitation engineering with an emphasis on mechanical devices used to enhance mobility and manipulation, improving physical interaction with the environment. Topics include: prosthetics, manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, and alternative methods for computer access. Two hours of lecture per week. Cross listed with MTC 330.

ETC 331      Control Systems (4)

Basic control systems studied using Laplace transforms.  Principles of electro‑mechanical control systems (electrical and mechanical), measuring means, components and their characteristics, and controller characteristics.  Analysis of a control system by the frequency/phase responses and stability criteria.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 103. Pre/Co-requisite: MAT 122

ETC 342      Introduction to Embedded Systems Programming (4)

Programming and designing embedded systems application. Includes an introduction to interfacing components and hardware of the embedded systems. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or permission of the instructor. No prior microprocessors background needed. Cross listed with CET 342.

ETC 345      Sequential Logic Design (4)

Introduces advanced sequential logic design through the use of hardware description languages. Students will obtain hands-on experience about digital systems in Hardware languages such as Verilog and VHDL. FPGA will be extensively used in the lab. The functionality, limitations, and usage of standard sequential components and PLDs will be discussed. Various CAD tools will be used for modeling, synthesizing and implementing several digital systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or equivalent. Cross listed with CET 345.

ETC 355      Introduction to Nanosystems VLSI (4)

Introduces CMOS devices and manufacturing technology. CMOS logic gates and their layout will be introduced. Propagation delay, noise margins, and power dissipation will be studied. Students will gain knowledge on memory design. Various CAD tools will be used. Four hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or equivalent. Cross listed with CET 355.

ETC 356      Programmable Controllers (2)

Use of programmable controllers to create relay logic ladder diagrams for the development of control systems.

ETC 357      Mechatronic Design (4)

Introduction to mechatronics systems. Components of mechatronic systems such as mechanical and electrical components  and their interactions. analysis of mechatronic systems and their simulations in softwares. Prerequisites: MAT 122, MTC 226 or ETC 265, PHY 101T/L, and ETC 102.

ETC 391      Fiber Optics (4)

Principles and analysis of fiber optic components and systems, fiber optic sensors, integrated optoelectronics and applications of fiber optics in telecommunications and instrumentation.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.   Prerequisite: One physics course with optics and/or permission of the instructor.

ETC 395      Semiconductor Microfabrication (4)

Processes specific for the Silicon fabrication of VLSI circuits. Crystal growth and crystal structure. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth, thermal oxidation, etching, metal deposition diffusion, ion implantation and photolithography. Process integration, MOS transistor fabrication, yield and reliability. Prerequisite: PHY 101T, PHY 101L, CHE 110T, CHE 110L or equivalent. Cross-listed with MTC 395.

ETC 396      Semiconductor Device Fundamentals (4)

Semiconductor devices are the elements that enable the operation of electronic circuits. The course covers the fundamentals of semiconductor materials. Metal-semiconductor junctions, p-n junctions, bipolar junction transistor, field effect transistor (FET) LEDs and solar cell operation. Technologies and materials used to fabricate seminconductor devices.

ETC 397      Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Energy (4)

Rationale for renewable and photovoltaic (PV) energy utilization.  Fundamentals of Semiconductor Physics.  The physics of solar cells and solar cell operation.  Technologies and materials used to fabricate solar cells.  Fabrication of photovoltaic modules and solar generators.  Measurement of PV element parameters.  Prerequisite: MAT 121 and PHY 101T, and PHY 101L.

ETC 398      Introduction to Electrical Energy Storage (4)

Energy storage is an emerging group of technologies that is enabling the operation of mobile devices, power systems and electrical vehicles. The course covers the fundamentals of energy storage with a focus on the principles of electrical energy storage. The operating principles, physics and electrochemistry that enable the operation of batteries, super-capacitors and fuel cells will be introduced. Technologies and materials used to fabricate energy storage devices. Selection of energy storage method, reliability-safety and end-of-life recycling. Application for renewable energy systems, automotive and grid-storage energy systems. Prerequisite: MAT 121.

ETC 406      Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Systems of Wind Turbine (4)

The course introduces the rationale for wind energy utilization and the fundamental concepts regarding AC electrical power, the construction and operation of AC power generators and power conditioning equipment. Wind turbine control, system design and integration and wind energy applications will be discussed as well. The lectures will be supported by laboratory modules demonstrating the theoretical concepts discussed.

ETC 415      Power Devices and Power Electronics (4)

Overview of Power Devices and Power Electronics. This course is intended to teach the fundamentals of power devices including diode, MOSFET, IGBT, and thyristors. This course also covers the basics, design, analysis, modeling, and control of all types of power converters- such as dc-dc converters, dc-as inverters, ac-dc rectifiers/converters and also introduce the concepts of direct ac-ac converters. Prerequisites: ETC 102 and ETC 396.

ETC 416      Computer Networks (4)

The principles and techniques of data and computer communications are covered in detail in this course.  Topics include principles of data transmission, data encoding, digital communication techniques, transmission codes, error detection and correction, protocols, communication networks, interfacing and architecture.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with CET 416.

ETC 423      Microprocessors (4)

Analysis of microprocessor interfacing with operational hardware in addition to the internal structure of microprocessors and software programming. Prerequisites: ETC 210 or equivalent. Cross listed with CET 423.

ETC 429      Microprocessors, Microprogramming and Computer Architecture (4)

Design of microprocessor and computer central processing units.  Stresses the architecture and microprogramming of the processor.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.  Prerequisite:  ETC 210 or equivalent or permission of instructor.  Cross listed with CET 429.

ETC 431      PC Integration and Maintenance (4)

This course stresses the architecture and design of personal computers and emphasizes the use of diagnostic hardware and software to evaluate PC systems in actual lab situations.  Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week.  Prerequisite: ETC 342 or equivalent.  Cross listed with CET 431.

ETC 432      Process Control and Design of Experiments (4)

Quality philosophy and fundamental quality tools.  Process flow diagrams, control charts for variable measurement, process sampling and chart interpretation.  Methods for process optimization through single and multiple factor experimental designs.  Prerequisites: MAT 121, PHY 101T, and PHY 101L.  Cross listed with MTC 432.

ETC 433      Automatic Control Systems (4)

Transfer function approach to the analysis and design of feedback control systems. Use of Bode diagrams, and root locus plots to predict system performances. Analog and digital simulation of industrial control system problems.  Prerequisite: ETC 331 or equivalent.

ETC 435      Digital Control and Robotics (4)

Discrete time systems and transform sampling and reconstruction, state‑space technique and digital stimulation, stability of digital control systems, digital filtering and digital compensator design, discrete‑time optimal control, and applications in robotics.  This course is the capstone for the control emphasis which requires working on a team project using a robot arm in place of the laboratory, with an oral and written presentation at the end.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ETC 331 and one course in computer programming.

ETC 445      System-on-Chip Embedded Systems I (4)

Introduces advanced digital design through the use of hardware description languages for the specification, simulation, and synthesis of complex digital systems. Students will obtain hands-on experience about System-on-Chip embedded systems. FPGA will be extensively used in the lab. Both Verilog and VHDL, the two most widely used digital modeling languages for the description of digital systems at the board and component level will be studied. Structural (device interconnection), dataflow (register transfer level), and behavioral (algorithmic) models will be utilized. Various CAD tools will be used for modeling, synthesizing, and implementing several digital systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.  Prerequisite:  ETC 342 or equivalent. Cross listed with CET 445.

ETC 446      Programmable Logic Devices (4)

Synchronous sequential circuit design. Algorithmic state machine method; state reduction; control-data path circuit partitioning. Design of sequential arithmetic circuits. Memory interfacing; bus-based design. Specification and synthesis of digital systems using hardware description language and implementation using programmable logic devices. Simulation, analysis, testing, and verification of digital systems. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or equivalent.

ETC 466      System-on-Chip Embedded Systems II (4)

Hardware and software concepts in the design and analysis of embedded systems will be covered. Memory types and peripheral interfaces used in embedded systems will be considered. Performance analysis of embedded systems design will be studied. Design tradeoffs made by different models of embedded systems will be identified. Students will obtain hands-on experience about System-on-Chip embedded systems. FPGA will be extensively used in the lab. Either Verilog or VHDL, the two most widely used digital modeling languages for the description of digital systems at the board and component level will be studied as well as C programming language. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 445 or equivalent. Cross listed with CET 466.

ETC 483      Optical Communications (4)

Principles and techniques associated with the transmission of optical radiation in waveguides (fibers) and free space, low and high power optical sources, internal (direct) and external (indirect) modulations.  Fiber optical waveguide and characteristics of free space, homodyne and hetrodyne detection, and design of optical communication systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.  This is the capstone course for the concentration in communications and requires working on a team project in place of laboratory assignments with oral and written presentation at the completion of the project.  The written report will include analysis, design and management of the project.  Prerequisite: ETC 391 or permission of instructor.

ETC 484 Thin Film Processing (4)

Thin film synthesis: the fundamentals of crystal structures, the basic nucleation and growth mechanisms.  Processes and technologies used for the thin film fabrication” chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Metal-organic CVD, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), Plasma Assisted-MBE, sputtering, evaporation, etc., thin film growth equipment operation principles and the fundamentals of vacuum technology and gas delivery systems.  Techniques for the monitoring and characterization of thin film parameters during the growth (in-situ) and after the growth (ex-situ).  Prerequisite: PHY 101T, PHY 101L, CHE 110T and CHE 110L or equivalent.  Cross listed with MTC 484.

ETC 490      Special Topics in Communication Technology (2)

An in-depth study of topics selected from and based on new developments in communications technology and related areas.  Topics may include areas of secure communications, mobile communications, image transmission and optical signal processing, computer-aided design, analysis of communications links and networks and integrated services digital network standards.  Prerequisites:  ETC 316 and permission of instructor.

ETC 491      Independent Study (Variable 1‑4)

Extensive study of a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member.  The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, methods of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned.  Prerequisites:  Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

ETC 494      CO‑OP Assignment (Variable 2 or 4)

Provides 14 weeks of supervised experience in an industrial or government installation applying technology knowledge towards the solution of engineering technology problems and developing abilities required in the student’s career.  At least two reports and two supervisors’ evaluations are required.  A minimum of 60 contact hours of industrial work is required per credit hour.  May be taken repetitively up to a maximum of four credits.  Prerequisite: Permission of employer and dean.

ETC 495      Nanotechnology Research (3)

This course introduces students with the scientific, technical and methodological aspects of nanotechnology research.  Students will be required to work either individually or in a group on a research project and integrate knowledge of their majors into the evolving field of nanotechnology.  Emphasis is placed on addressing interdisciplinary, economical, ethical, and environmental aspects of nanotechnology.