
ART 110      Principles of Two Dimensional Design (4)

ART 110 is a foundation course focusing on the elements, principles and visual organization of two-dimensional design. An understanding of 2-D design underlies all forms of visual art, including drawing, painting, photography, illustration, and graphic design. Emphasis is placed on knowledge and awareness of visual expression with a focus on applied problem-solving solutions to visual communication assignments.

ART 135      Drawing (2)

This is a beginning course in free hand drawing for the layperson.  The student will be guided through a sequence of lessons beginning with line quality, the vocabulary of lines, and proceed through drawing materials and techniques, foreshortening and shading. Emphasis will be placed on the representation of forms in drawing. Lessons will consist of lecture demonstrations, class work, and homework.  The expected result is to provide the student with more confidence in the self expression and appreciation of drawing.  Meets General Education Arts requirement or 2023 General Education Arts.

ART 140      Painting ‑ Technique & Style (4)

An investigation of visual art forms and techniques that influence and express qualities of American culture.  Aspects of design, color and style will be explored through studio experience, lecture, slides, and demonstrations, to enable the student to use the elements of line and color to create visual space on a flat surface. Meets General Education Arts requirement or 2023 General Education Arts.

ART 341      Painting II – Techniques & Style (2)

Continuation of the investigation of visual art forms and techniques for students who wish to improve visual literacy.  Students will explore several major styles in the modern Western tradition, applying and experimenting with the brush and pigment techniques through which those styles are achieved.  Meets new General Education Arts requirement.

ART 350      History of American Art (4)

A survey of important trends and significant styles of American painting and sculpture from colonial times, including works of Sargent, Whistler, Homer, Inness, Johns, and Pollock.  Lectures, slides, and museum tours.  Meets General Education Humanities or Arts requirement or 2023 General Education Arts.