The minor in mathematics is valuable for students who wish to pursue studies in mathematics, computer science, physics or engineering or who wish to be more competitive in the job market.
Total Credit Hours: 20
A. Required Course (8 credits)
- MAT 151 Calculus I (Differential Calculus)*
- MAT 152 Calculus II (Integral Calculus)**
B. One Course from the following (4 credits)
- MAT 225 Applied Statistical Analysis
- MAT 260 Ordinary Differential Equations and Series Solutions***
- MAT 340 Linear Algebra
C. Two Courses from the following (8 credits)
- MAT 253 Calculus III (Multivariate Calculus)
- MAT 335 Mathematical Modeling
- MAT 345 Introduction to Graph Theory†
- MAT 370 Applied Probability
- MAT 381 Modern Algebra†
- MAT 413 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
- MAT 420 Complex Variables and Their Application†
- MAT 423 Vector and Tensor Calculus†
- MAT 425 Real Analysis†
- MAT 430 Number Theory and Its Applications†
- MAT 450 Partial Differential Equations†
- MAT 460 Numerical Differential Equations†
- PHY 401 Electromagnetism†
- MAT 490 Special Topics†
- MAT 491 Independent Study†
Specific selections of courses must be worked out with the mathematics faculty. The equivalent of up to three of the above courses that contribute to the minor can be used as transfer credit.
* MAT 121 may be substituted
** MAT 122 may be substituted
*** MAT 230 may be substituted
† Student should register for this course only after a consultation with a mathematics faculty teaching the course.