Student Profile: Molly D’Agostino, Interdisciplinary Studies `16

At first glance, Molly D’Agostino, a senior Interdisciplinary Studies major focusing on pre-law, resembles your typical college student. But when she’s not in the classroom, she’s performing around the country with her band, Pacinello. Her hard-working attitude and the flexibility of the IDS program make it possible for Molly to combine her pursuit of her academic …

Fernando Gómez-Baquero

Meet Fernando Gómez-Baquero PhD ’12: Co-Founder and CEO at BessTech LLC

Why did you decide to attend SUNY Poly and study in the Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering? I was recruited by a professor in the nanoeconomics constellation whom I met in a conference in California. He showed me around and I understood the vision and the potential in the intersection of technology, entrepreneurship and …

Doug Cohen at IDT hooding ceremony

Alumni Profile: Doug Cohen G’14

Like many working professionals, Doug Cohen finds himself juggling – whether it’s his role as Associate Director of Academic Technology Services at Open SUNY, or the many responsibilities that come with a family, and he needed a degree program that offered the flexibility to accommodate his schedule. Fortunately for Doug, the Information Design Technology (IDT) …

Student/Alumni Profile: Lauren Lowe

With an abundance of awards to her credit, one might find it difficult to pinpoint Lauren Lowe’s greatest achievement. But if you ask the 2015 graduate of SUNY Poly’s Nurse Practitioner Graduate program, she’ll give you a quick and simple answer – her family. Balancing life as a mother, wife, and full-time graduate student with a …

Robyn Christoferson

Student Profile: Robyn Christoferson, Biology `17

“Dr. Wei was looking for real-world application, not just good results in a lab.” Real-world results are what Robyn Christoferson, a junior biology major at SUNY Polytechnic Institute discovered this summer while working on a research project headed by Dr. Steven Wei, Coordinator of the Civil Engineering program. Upon hearing of Dr. Wei’s research on …

Student Profile: Michael Campbell, Mechanical Engineering Technology `16

“Internships allow insight to real-world experiences away from a protected classroom environment.” Michael Campbell, mechanical engineering technology student, said after his summer internship at Indium Corporation. Campbell, a senior at SUNY Poly, interned at Indium Corporation of America as an Engineered Solder. Indium Corporation received over 200 applications for the twelve positions available and Campbell …

Women in STEM

More and more women are studying science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs in college. Read about one of our nanoscale engineering students, Eve. Name: Eve Borden Year: Junior Major: Nanoscale Engineering Why were/are you interested in pursuing a degree in the nano sciences? I’m interested in pursuing a degree in nanoscale engineering because it is …

Veteran Rick Yarosh tests adaptive golf club.

Mechanical Engineering Students Help Veteran

More than anything else, he’d like to golf again. Rick Yarosh of Windsor, N.Y., was deployed to Iraq in 2005. He served nine months until one day, in September 2006, his tank was hit by a makeshift bomb. The attack left him with terrible injuries. More than 60% of his body was badly burned, and …

Faculty Profile: Lena Bertone’s Works Published

Lena Bertone teaches English and communications on SUNY Poly’s Utica campus. When she’s not teaching and helping others to hone their ability to tell stories, she’s writing them herself, with two books seeing publication recently. Behind This Mirror, published in January, is a collection of short pieces she had published in online and print magazines …

Shannon Pritting in Cayan Library

Staff profile: Shannon Pritting, Library Director

When he was in the U.S. Navy, Shannon Pritting participated in months-long NATO humanitarian deployments that covered many European and Caribbean countries, supervised a nine-man team and held Top Secret Security Clearance. He was responsible for all incoming and outgoing data as well as computer and electronics maintenance, and all levels of information collection, organization, …

Mediated Nostalgia book cover

Faculty Book Looks at the Past, Personal and Cultural

In some form or another, we all look back on the past, but Assistant Professor of Digital Media Ryan Lizardi makes it his mission to look at how we get caught in the thralls of nostalgia, and how clear the vision of our own past is. In his new book, Mediated Nostalgia: Individual Memory and …