Hometown: Mechanicville, NY
Anticipated Graduation Month/Year: May 2025
Major: Civil Engineering
Why did you choose SUNY Poly? I grew up in a small town, so a small campus sounded welcoming. Also, the civil engineering program provides several concentrations that gives me options within my major.
Why did you choose your major(s)? What do you like about it? I have always excelled at and enjoyed math and science, and engineering is a good application of both. Civil engineering also aligns with my interest in understanding the math and reasoning behind how and why the world works the way it does.
How would you describe your relationship with your professors? The professors at SUNY Poly are engaged with their students and available for questions during and outside class. Although I tend to be reserved, my professors all know me by name.
Is there an impactful academic experience during your time at SUNY Poly that stands out to you? For my final project in Elementary Surveying during my first semester at SUNY Poly, I worked with a partner to take data points about the land surrounding the Field House to then create a topographic map. Throughout the process, I was able to consult my professor about the many questions I ended up having. Due to his availability and support, I created a map that I was proud of and still have my own printed copy of.
Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? I enjoy attending club meetings, namely the Poly Pride Club and the Women in Engineering Club, when my schedule allows for it. I am also an athlete on the women’s cross-country team.
Are you a recipient of an academic or alumni scholarship from the SUNY Poly Alumni Association? I have been awarded a scholarship for academic achievement as a transfer student.
What has been your favorite class at SUNY Poly so far? Statics.
Best experience (academic or campus life) at SUNY Poly so far? Working alongside other students to complete our topographic maps for surveying before the deadline.
After you graduate, what will you miss most about your time here at SUNY Poly? I will miss the comfort of the small campus. Everything on campus is walkable. I can reach the dining hall in a few minutes, and the Student Center and library are only a 15-minute walk from my residence hall. That, alongside the safe and well-lit paths, makes it so easy to get outside every day.