Anthony Macera ’95: Computer and Information Science

By next year, there are expected to be more than 50 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices, with the data generated exceeding 79 zettabytes. To put that into context, a zettabyte is a trillion gigabytes. Securing that data is paramount. These are the types of items Anthony Macera, who earned his Master’s Degree in Computer …

Heather Potrzeba ’96: Business/Public Management

As a young girl, Heather Potrzeba ‘96 would head to her grandfather’s bakery and deli at 4 a.m. to help peel eggs and make salads before customers arrived. That business, Holland Farms Bakery & Deli on Oriskany Blvd in Yorkville, has stayed in the family since it opened in 1955. Today, Heather is the iconic …