Estimated Cost of Attendance


Commuter Off campus On campus
Tuition  $7,775  $7,775 $7,775
Fees  $1,100  $1,100  $1,100
Books & Supplies  $900  $900  $900
Room & Board  $2,290  $12,250  $12,250
Transportation  $1,440  $1,440  $1,400
Personal  $1,350  $1,350  $1,350
Total Budget  $14,855  $24,815  $24,775
Tuition for out-of-state residents is $15,147.

The above budgets represent average expenses. Generally, a student who is careful about his/her expenses can complete the year for less. Living expenses are based upon the assumption that the student will be sharing an apartment, and the associated expenses, with another student.

Tuition, fees, and other charges are estimated at the time of printing and are subject to change without prior notice at the discretion of the college administration and the State University of New York.