A student re-matriculating at SUNY Poly after an absence of seven years may petition the Registrar’s Office. The petition will be reviewed by the Academic Affairs or the Undergraduate Academic Standing and Appeals Committee to have a maximum of twelve credits of “F” course grades that were received at the Institute prior to re-matriculation, be removed from the calculation of their cumulative grade point average (GPA). All “F” grades in courses taken at SUNY Poly will still continue to be listed on the student’s transcript.
In order to petition for the removal of course “F” grades, the student must have completed twelve credits of course work after the re-matriculation and the cumulative GPA for these twelve credits must be 2.5 or higher.
Courses that are currently offered at SUNY Poly at the time of petitioning that may not be included are:
- General education courses or course substitutes (as determined by the appropriate College).
- Courses or course substitutes (as determined by the appropriate academic unit) that are required by both the previous as well as the new or current degree program.
The Academic Affairs Committee’s decision on the student’s petition will be based primarily, but not solely, upon whether the student was able to demonstrate via the petition that an unrealistically heavy burden would be placed upon them by requiring them to retake the courses listed in the petition.