
NUR 300      Transitions: Bridge to Baccalaureate Nursing Education (2)

The learner will be introduced to the nature of learning at higher academic levels experienced in baccalaureate nursing courses. Students will learn to maximize their learning opportunities to enhance the benefits of obtaining the baccalaureate education. Concepts covered will prepare the learner for increased success with other courses in the program, as adult learning principles and active learning concepts are introduced from the learner’s perspective. The learner will transition from the traditionalist’s viewpoint of passive recipient learning to become an active learner, fully engaged in the educational process.


NUR 313      Theoretical Bases for Professional Nursing Practice (4)

A theoretical and empirical foundation within the discipline of nursing is essential to the development of professional nursing practice. Selected nursing theories and Standards of Nursing Practice as described in the New York State Education Law and the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) are introduced to guide further development of professional nursing practice. Critical reflection, caring, independent judgment, collaboration, research, and lifelong learning are fostered to enhance the development of professional excellence in nursing. Theories of nursing, models of caring, principles of teaching/learning, role theory and development, and health promotion and wellness are explored to develop understanding of the mutual and interactive relationship of nursing to people, health, communities, and health care delivery environments. Reflection and articulation of values and ideals within the profession and self are encouraged and described within personal philosophies of nursing and meaningful nursing practice.


NUR 314      Comprehensive Health Assessment (4)

Assessment of individuals across the life span is addressed as they experience wellness and illness. The focus is on the interrelatedness of the physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and environmental components of health assessment of people as they interact with their environment. The relationship of health assessment knowledge, skill, and disposition fostered by the Standards of Nursing Practice and the New York State Education Law is explored within the context of accountability and responsibility of professional nursing practice. Critical thinking skills in assessments are enhanced within supervised clinical settings with well individuals. Therapeutic communication skills are used to obtain personal health data and the formulation of nursing diagnoses, within a plan of care. (60 hours of laboratory instruction). Prerequisites: Microbiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II. Pre/corequisite: NUR 300.


NUR 320A   Nursing Theory for Professional Nursing Practice (2)

A theoretical and empirical foundation within the discipline of nursing is essential to the formation of the professional nurse. Selected nursing theories and Standards of Practice, as described in the New York State Education Law and the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) Standards of Professional Nursing Practice, are introduced to guide the accelerated RN/BS/MS student to further the development of their professional nursing practice. Critical reflection, caring, principles of teaching/learning, collaboration, role theory and development, and health and wellness are explored to develop the student’s understanding of nursing. Reflection and articulation of values and ideals within the profession and self are encouraged and described within personal philosophies of nursing. Prerequisite: NUR 300.


NUR 325      Epidemiology in Nursing (2)

The concepts and methods of descriptive epidemiology are introduced and applied to health care delivery and professional nursing practice. Patterns of acute and chronic disease occurrences and progression are studied. The discovery of unusual disease patterns is also critically examined across culturally diverse communities. Methods to uncover epidemiological causes, frequency, and the distribution of disease; and the critical appraisal of the literature and screening programs are explored to promote a theoretical and empirical foundation for practice. The utilization of epidemiological information and evidenced-based data will be applied across populations to reduce risk, prevent disease, and optimize health among communities. Prerequisite: NUR 300.


NUR 330A   Nursing Research for Professional Nursing Practice (2)

Professional standards of practice, the moral obligation to safeguard human subjects, and the ethic of care are emphasized as professional nurses participate in research activities. Learners critically review qualitative and quantitative research designs. The integration of knowledge from nursing, the arts, and sciences provides a basis for analyzing nursing research and applying this knowledge to professional nursing practice. The application of these studies as they relate to the foundation of practice, research utilization, and evidence based nursing is examined by students in the accelerated RN/BS/MS program. Prerequisite: NUR 300.


NUR 340A   Nursing Leadership (1)

Designed for the accelerated RN to BS/MS programs of study, students learn to evaluate and integrate communication, management, change and leadership within the micro-systems of the healthcare institution. This course focuses on developing the leadership and management function of the professional nurse through a synthesis of knowledge from previous nursing courses, and leadership and management theories. Through the leadership project, the student will further develop and refine the skills necessary to coordinate, manage and deliver nursing care. Prerequisites: NUR 320A and 330A (or equivalent), current NYS Registered Professional Nurse license, Health Clearance.


NUR 344      Ethical Issues in Nursing (2)

Provides the professional nurse with information regarding ethical and legal issues that they may confront in a variety of health care settings. The student will explore and discuss ethical issues utilizing theoretical knowledge emanating from a variety of theorists. The ANA Code of Ethics will be introduced, discussed, and applied to health care scenarios. The professional nurse will critically examine ethical issues and their ramifications and thus learn the importance of collaboration in ethical situations. Several ethical decision making models will be presented and discussed to assist the student in clarifying their personal and professional roles. The professional nurse will develop skills essential for ethical decision making through exploration of these topics. Prerequisite: NUR 300.


NUR 377      Introduction to Clinical Nursing Education (2)

This introductory course will explore the functions of the clinical nurse educator. This course will provide a practical approach to clinical nursing instruction. Evidence-based clinical teaching methodologies will be explored, with emphasis on the process of educating a diverse nursing body.


NUR 381      Nursing Education and Instruction for Long Term Care (2)

Students will examine nurse educator competencies and apply principles of teaching and learning, adult learning theory, critical reflection, and active learning strategies to teach nurses and other health care personnel in clinical and classroom settings. A variety of informational sources such as lecture, discussions groups, and web enhanced instruction will be explored and related to personal experiences in service and academic learning environments. Research, literature, and case studies supporting these techniques with plans for assessment of learning outcomes will be explored throughout this course to enhance one’s teaching practice.


NUR 383      Palliative Care (2)

In recognition of the universal need for humane end-of-life care, it is essential that nurses appreciate their unique opportunity and responsibility for insuring that individuals at the end of life experience a peaceful death. Recognition of the limits and inappropriate use of technological resources and apprehensions of the public about suffering and expenses associated with dying contribute to a renewed interest in humane end-of-life care. Precepts underlying palliative care principles are crucially examined and include the assumptions that individuals live until the moment of death; that care is sensitive to diversity, and gives attention to the physical, psychological, and spiritual concern of the patient and the patient’s family. By stimulating scholarly discourse on this important reality, this course serves as a catalyst for integrating palliative care into traditional models of care delivery.


NUR 384      Evidence-based Practice in Nursing (2)

The exploration and application of evidence-based practice (EBP) is the emphasis of this course. Students will learn how to solve practice problems by formulating and EBP question and answer it using the best evidence available. An in-depth look at performing literature searches and utilizing practice guidelines will be presented. EBP implementation models will help students learn the best way to explore practice questions and present change. Students will have the opportunity to exercise these skills through a written assignment and examination of internet resources (e.g. Cochrane Library).


NUR 385      Transformational Leadership for Nurses (2)

The exploration and application of transformational leadership for Nurses is the emphasis of this course. Students explore leadership styles and an innovation model to investigate the significance and application of transformational leadership. Profiles of leaders and analysis of team approaches are explored within a variety of practice arenas. Critical reflection of the individual nurse’s role as a leader and the student’s personal leadership development will be explored as it relates to transforming others.


NUR 386      The Nurse Practice Act (2)

The course provides an overview of the nurse practice act from its’ past to the present. It will assist the professional nurse in designing the nurse practice act of the future. The practice act and the influences affecting nursing practice and the health care delivery system will be discussed.


NUR 387      History of Nursing (2)

Awareness of historical events in the discipline of nursing fosters socialization within the profession, facilitates comprehension of current nursing issues and prepares the nurse for future trends in the discipline. Critical reflection of the historical roots in nursing enhances the development of professional nursing roles. Exploration of nursing history promotes critical thinking skills and allows for understanding of the impact of historical events on practice today.


NUR 388      Civility and Horizontal Violence (2)

Violence between and among nurses is a behavioral interaction found within all types of workplace environments. This course examines the nuances of horizontal violence among professionals within health care settings. Emphasis on civility and preventing horizontal violence explored through effective communication strategies, anger management, and standards of professional behavior.


NUR 389      Introduction to Integrative Nursing (3)

Concepts of integrative or holistic nursing, as they apply to self-care and to client populations, are introduced in this course. Nursing theory in holistic practice is explored. The psychophysiology of mind-body healing is utilized as a basis for understanding nursing from a holistic perspective. A variety of complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) are investigated within the framework of evidence-based practice.


NUR 390      Nursing Research (4)

Professional standards of practice, the moral obligation to safeguard human subjects, and the ethic of care are emphasized as professional nurses participate in research activities. Students learn to critically review qualitative and quantitative research designs. The integration of knowledge from nursing, the arts, and sciences provides a basis for analyzing nursing research and applying this knowledge to professional nursing practice. The application of these studies as they relate to the foundation of practice, research utilization, and evidence based nursing is examined. Pre/Corequisites: NUR 313, Statistics.


NUR 444      Nursing Leadership (4)

The professional nurse functions in the role of leader, manager, collaborator, teacher, counselor, innovator and advocate in the delivery of health care to the client. This course focuses on developing the leadership and management function of the professional nurse through a synthesis of knowledge from the arts and sciences, previous nursing courses, and leadership and management theory. Using selected nursing theories and relevant research findings, the student develops and refines the skills necessary to coordinate, manage, and deliver nursing care. Critical thinking is enhanced through a focus on decision-making, conflict management, use of power, political awareness, collective action, and change strategies. The 30-hour clinical component of this course allows the student to apply critical reflection and collaboration learned in the classroom. Prerequisites: NUR 313, NUR 314, current New York Registered Professional Nurse license, CPR certification, updated health clearance on file. Pre/Corequisite: NUR 344.


NUR 455      Public Health Nursing Science (4)

The basic concepts of public and community health and their interrelationship with people, nursing, and the environment are examined. Structure, function, and programs of the health care system are explored. Critical reflection and research are used to assess and analyze culturally diverse populations and community resources as they impact health of populations at risk. The professional role, incorporating the standards of public health nursing in the provision of care in the community, is examined. Principles of teaching and learning, decision making, leadership, collaboration and management within the larger social system are analyzed for their impact on health care. Prerequisites: NUR 313, NUR 314, NUR 325, Statistics, Cultural Anthropology, Developmental Psychology. Pre/Co-requisite: BIO 350, BIO 351.


NUR 474      Public Health Nursing Science I (4)

Building on nursing theory and clinical practice as essential to public health nursing, focus is on health teaching and health care opportunities that are available in a variety of culturally diverse community settings, utilizing a caring and population based framework. Health promotion and disease prevention are emphasized at individual, family, community and systems levels. Incorporating a multifaceted approach, levels of prevention, communication skills, transcultural assessment, public health and home health standards of practice, and public/community health regulatory requirements are examined and applied. Using innovation, opportunities for critical reflection, collaboration, professionalism and lifelong learning are integrated within clinical experiences. Public health experiences are provided through scheduled clinical days based on agency availability. Students must provide their own transportation (75 hours of clinical required). Prerequisites: NUR 390, NUR 455, current New York State Registered Professional Nurse license, current CPR certification, complete health clearance on file. Clinical clearance must be validated prior to first scheduled clinical agency experience. Attendance at clinical activity without prior clinical clearance will result in clinical failure. Pre/Co-requisite: NUR 444.


NUR 490      Culminating Seminar (2)

The connections of nursing theory, research, and practice are the emphasis of this culminating experience. Opportunity for collaboration with peers and faculty is provided as students develop and participate in research and scholarly activities. Inquiry into scholarly works is explored to further enhance nursing knowledge, research utilization, and professional practice. Personal values and beliefs are reexamined as the student describes one’s transformed view of self and practice as a caring maturing professional in nursing. Critical reflection of one’s personal growth and commitment to ongoing professional development is examined within the context of achieving professional excellence. Pre/Corequisites: NUR 474; Student must be within 4 credits of graduation at completion of Culminating Seminar.


NUR 491      Independent Study (Variable 14)

This is an independent study of selected contemporary problems within the nursing discipline. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, education goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.