Network and Computer Security

NCS 181     Introduction to Cybersecurity (4)

Introduction to the field of information system security. The kinds of information system security threats that might be faced by home and/or small business users and prudent security countermeasures used to counteract them are covered. Security issues faced by users of information systems will be explained as well as the potential damage the may cause. Provides the student with knowledge necessary to protect themselves against many of the information systems security threats faced in everyday life.


NCS 205 Introduction to Linux (4)

Linux operating system fundamentals with a focus on system administration and networking services. System administration topics include the Linux command line, managing users, shell scripting, system services, system hardening, and software installation. Linux networking topics include networking services DNS, SSH, DHCP, routing, and security. Significant time will be spent working with the command line on a Linux system. Prerequisites: CS 100, CS 108, or equivalent.


NCS 210     Telecommunications Transmission Technology (4)

This course will familiarize students with the three principal transmission technologies used in data communications: copper wire, fiber optics, and radio frequency wireless. Each physical layer medium is covered in detail to understand the nature of the communications channel it provides, and the impairments that affect data communications signals. Transmission media standards, signaling, loss budgets, and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each transmission technology will be treated in detail.


NCS 315     Networking of Information Systems (4)

An integrated study of fundamental principles and representative technologies underlying computer and device networks. Topics include: key networking protocols and relevant implementation stacks; interconnection devices; sample distribution software frameworks; management issues in networked computers and peripherals; deployment requirements for distributed software applications; common tools for the management of networks and distributed software. Prerequisite: IS 310.


NCS 316     Data Network Design (4)

Data network design issues and applications, point‑to‑point network design, multipoint network design, data collection and verification and an overview of protocols. Network design tools such as ITGURU and OPNET are used for network design and simulation. Use of simulation results to design a private line or packet switched based data communications network. Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: NCS 315 and STA 100.


NCS 320     Information Assurance Fundamentals (4)

A fast paced introduction to the field of Information Assurance. The various kinds of threats that might be faced by an information system and the security techniques used to thwart them are covered. Hacker methods, viruses, worms, and system vulnerabilities are described with respect to the actions that must be taken by a Network Manager to combat them. The basics of cryptography are covered including hash functions, symmetric cryptography, public key cryptography, cryptography algorithms, and cryptographic applications in computer and network security. Prerequisites: CS 108, and NCS 181 or equivalent.


NCS 330     Information Assurance Ethics, Policies and Disaster Recovery (4)

This course covers the development of information systems security policies for small and large organizations with specific regard to components such as email, web servers, web browsers, firewalls, and personal applications. The course covers cyber ethical standards for information system users and administrators, and their role as a driver in developing disaster recovery plans and procedures are also covered. Prerequisites: NCS 181 or equivalent.


NCS 350     Wireless Systems and Security (4)

Investigation of technologies, networks, standards and services of wireless systems in the context of satellite, cellular, wireless local area networks (802.11), personal area networks (Bluetooth and Zigbee) and metropolitan networks (WiMax). Specific topics to be examined include network design and infrastructure, 2G/3G cellular standards, wireless media access control protocols, wireless network routing, congestion control, location management, and security in wireless networks. Prerequisites: NCS 210 and NCS 315.

NCS 384     Network Intrusion Detection (4)

The need for intrusion detection systems (IDS) is described. Several basic IDS design approaches and implementation methods are presented. Basic attack methods employed by network attackers and the resulting signatures are explained. The business case for justifying the acquisition of IDS is explored. Builds upon the foundations of Information Assurance covered in NCS 320. Provides additional background and skills in the area of network IDS for those students interested in the areas of network and data security. Prerequisites: NCS 315 and NCS 320.


NCS 416     Digital and Internet Telephony (4)

Consists of both lecture and application oriented lab assignments. Emphasizes digital and internet telephony fundamentals including the convergence of voice, data and multimedia communications using the Internet Protocol. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: NCS 210 and NCS 315.


NCS 425     Internetworking (4)

Intended to introduce new content and extend previously learned networking skills which will empower students to enter the workforce and/or further their education in the area of telecommunications networking. A task analysis of current industry standards and occupational analysis is used in the development of content standards. Instruction introduces and extends the student’s knowledge and practical experience with switches. Local area networks (LAN’s) and Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN’s) design, configuration and maintenance. Students develop practical experience in skills related to configuring LAN’s, WAN’s, routing protocols and network troubleshooting. Prerequisite: IS 315.


NCS 430     Penetration Testing (4)

An in-depth hands-on experience in the area of Penetration testing. Students will study the fundamentals and key steps of a penetration test, as well as gain hands-on experience and exposure to the tools and methods utilized by networking security professionals while conducting white hat penetration tests in a controlled lab environment. A large portion of this course is based on hands-on red team activities that require the delivery of detailed documentation that outlines the processes employed in order to achieve the goals of the exercise. Prerequisites: NCS 315, CS 307.


NCS 435     Computer Forensics (4)

Introduction into the field of computer forensics in networked systems. The student will receive training in the methods, techniques and tools used by those practicing computer forensics in support of audit, security privacy and legal functions. Specific legal issues regarding seizure and chain of custody will be addressed. Students will have opportunity to learn computer forensics applications, methods and procedures through hands-on lab activities. Prerequisites: NCS 210, NCS 315, NCS 320.


NCS 440     Virtualization (4)
An in-depth look at the area of virtualization and related current research topics. This will be accomplished through lecture and interactive discussion of research papers, as well as hands-on experience with virtualization technologies. Topics include: Virtualization Concepts and Theory, Security, Networking, Performance and Storage. Pre-requisites: NCS 315, CS 307.


NCS 450     Network Security (4)

Detailed coverage of network threats, vulnerabilities and security protocols as countermeasures to advance the students’ understanding of computer security, network security, e-mail and internet security. Focus is on security issues across the entire network protocol stack from the physical to the application layer. Specific topics include physical layer security, secure routing protocols, IPsec, SSH, TLS, Web security, authentication and key management, and network borne malware such as worms and viruses. Prerequisites: NCS 315.


NCS 460     Advanced Wireless Security (4)

Provides advanced coverage of wireless networks and the special security problems they pose. Topics include measures taken to secure wireless personal area networks (PAN’s), wireless LAN’s, cellular wireless networks, and ad-hoc wireless networks. Threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures specific to each type of networks will be enumerated and studied in detail. Coverage includes the use of cryptography and cryptographic primitives in secure protocols, wireless device security, and security policy management. The treatment of ad-hoc wireless network security will cover secure routing protocols and intrusion detection systems. Prerequisites: NCS 350, NCS 450.


NCS 490     Special Topics in Network and Computer Security (4)

An in-depth study of selected topics based on: new developments in the field, more in-depth treatment of topics than covered in regular courses, or topics not normally covered in an undergraduate program in Network and Computer Security. Prerequisites: NCS 210, NCS 320, and permission of the instructor.


NCS 494     Network and Computer Security Internship/Coop (2 or 4)

Part‑time supervised experience in a professional atmosphere which supplements classroom instruction. Two written reports on the work experience, two supervisor’s evaluations and one site interview required. Required contact hours min. 150. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


NCS 495     Network and Computer Security Capstone (2)

Offers students the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of network and computer security by completing and presenting a significant project. The topic should be of contemporary significance in the field. Periodic written and oral examinations are required. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.