
STA 100      Statistical Methods (4)

Study of the methods whereby data are collected, analyzed, and presented. Topics include: frequency distributions, measures of location, dispersion, and skewness, probability and probability distributions, and various topics in statistical inference. Meets the new General Education Mathematics requirement.


STA 225      Applied Statistical Analysis (4)

This course deals in‑depth with statistical methods used to analyze data. Applications are drawn from many diverse areas. Topics include: measures of location and scale for frequency distributions, addition and multiplication laws for probability, binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, inferences about proportions and location parameters in one‑sample and two‑sample problems, analysis of completely randomized and randomized blocks designs, simple linear regression and correlation, sign test, median test, rank sum test, and signed rank test. Prerequisites: Calculus II (MAT 152) or Calculus II for Engineering Technologies (MAT 122). Cross listed with MAT 225.


STA 290      Topics in Statistics (1-4)

An introductory course in selected topics in Statistics not currently covered in any of the listed classes. Topics are chosen to illustrate different fields and applications which are all part of Statistics.


STA 410      Applied Regression Analysis (4)

Many students in engineering and the physical sciences require a continuation and further development of statistical inference within the context of linear models. Basic statistical concepts are briefly reviewed and the ordinary least squares (OLS) approach developed. Multiple regression analysis is developed with an emphasis on model specification and assessment of model assumptions. Analysis of Covariance models are developed and studied. Matrix representations are also developed and allow a more rigorous approach. A computational environment for simulation and data analysis (for example SPSS or R) is integrated throughout the course.