
PSY 100      Principles of Psychology (4)

Surveys the field of psychology, emphasizing issues of current importance.  Topics covered include research methodology and the influence of biological, social, and environmental factors on behavior. No credit will be given to students who have previously taken an introductory psychology course. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement.


PSY 220      Life-span Developmental Psychology (4)

Examines the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of individuals from conception to death. Special attention is given to the environmental and biological factors that contribute to normal development in childhood, adolescence, adulthood and aging. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 222      Abnormal Psychology (4)

Examines the dimensions, theories, and empirical findings in human psychopathology.  Topics covered will include:  concepts of abnormality, theories, classification, etiology, assessment, and treatment of the major psychopathologies.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 242      Social Psychology (4)

Examines principles of social behavior in a variety of settings.  Topics include: attitude formation and change, group dynamics, interpersonal attraction, social perception, altruism, and aggression.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 262      Learning and Motivation (4)

Examines historical and modern concepts of learning and motivation, Pavlovian and operant conditioning, and their application.  The relationship of learning to motivation and physiological, cognitive, and social theories of motivation will also be discussed.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 273      Dying, Death & Bereavement (4)

Examines psycho‑social conceptualizations of dying, death and grief in contemporary society with special emphasis on one’s own feelings and attitudes towards death and coping and supportive strategies of the dying and bereaved persons.  Socio‑cultural, legal/ethical issues are also explored.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent or permission of instructor.


PSY 310      Research Methods in Psychology (4)

This lecture and laboratory course will provide experience in the use of a variety of research designs and methods of data analysis. Students design research projects in small groups by selecting an appropriate sampling procedure and devising a method of collecting and analyzing data.  Prerequisites: STA 100 or equivalent and PSY 305 or permission of instructor.


PSY 325      Psychology of Gender (4)

Reviews the major findings and theories related to sex roles and sex typing.  It will also examine gender specific issues (e.g. motherhood/fatherhood).  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 331      Psychology of Personality (4)

A study of determinants of personality and methods of studying personality, including various systems of psychology and their interpretations of personality structure and development. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 352      Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4)

Examines the behavior of people in industrial work environments.  Topics include attitudes toward work, organizational climate, appraising employee performance and interest, engineering psychology, worker efficiency, accident behavior, leadership styles, and effectiveness.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 360      Perception (4)

A presentation of the basic facts and theories of human perception, concentrating primarily on vision. Topics to be covered include psychophysics, form and space perception, the constancies, the effects of learning, motivation, and set on perception, selective attention, and perceptual development.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 365      Educational Psychology (4)

Provides an overview of the psychological theory and research in relation to educational practices.  Cognitive, motivational, interpersonal and socio-cultural influences on learning and retention in educational institutions will be examined. Characteristics and developmental needs of the learner throughout lifespan, along with evaluative measures of learning/instructions will be considered.  Prerequisite: PSY 100.


PSY 377      Health Psychology (4)

Health and illness is experienced within a broad psychosocial context.  Physical states affect mental states and mental and emotional experiences have the capacity to influence the course of physical health and illness.  Investigates the relationship that exists between physical and mental health.  Emphasizes the role that psychological, cultural and social factors have for both physical health and illness, and also examines stress and stress management techniques. Prerequisite: PSY 100.


PSY 385      Evaluation Research (4)

Application of various research methods to the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of social intervention programs.  Topics include research design, questionnaire construction, survey methods, computer applications, and the critical analysis of evaluation studies. Assignments in class and field settings will provide students with practical experience in the design of evaluation studies, data collection and analysis, and the writing of evaluation reports. Prerequisite: PSY 310 or SOC 332 or equivalent.


PSY 390      Engineering Psychology and Human Performance (4)

Deals with the systematic application of relevant information about human capabilities and limitations to design of things and procedures people use.  Topics include: information displays, acquisition of skills, person‑machine system properties, work space, applied anthropometry, accidents, and psychological factors in transportation.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 405      History and Systems of Psychology (4)

Examines theoretical systems of psychology in historical perspective.  Classical and contemporary theories of human behavior will be analyzed in terms of their impact on various fields of psychology. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. Restricted to Psychology majors only.


PSY 410      Forensic Psychology

The focus of this course will be to examine the relationship between psychology and legal system. The format is designed to be a combination of lecture, in-class discussion, and online work. Video clips/documentaries and professional work samples/case examples will also be utilized. Course readings, assignments, and class discussions will facilitate the following goals: To survey the major areas of interest shared by psychology and law; to discuss some of the major ethical dilemmas faced by mental health professionals working with legal system; to become familiar with different types  of forensic psychological evaluations conducted in criminal cases; to become familiar with some of the landmark legal case that impact forensic psychologists; to be introduced to various career opportunities in forensic psychology.


PSY 415      Psychology of Aggression and Nonviolence (4)

Deals with the factors associated with aggression and nonaggression.  Topics include theories of aggression, control of aggression, personality patterns of violent and nonviolent individuals, psychology of power, conflict resolution, and techniques for teaching nonviolent behavior.  Prerequisites: PSY 305 or PSY 315 or PSY 331 or PSY 242 or permission of instructor.


PSY 425      Cognitive Psychology (4)

A survey of memory, thinking, language, and problem solving.  The course will follow the history of psychological theory on cognition from associationism to gestalt approaches to modern information processing approaches and artificial intelligence. Particular attention will be paid to practical and clinical applications of research.  Prerequisite: PSY 262 or PSY 360 or permission of instructor.


PSY 444      Applied Social Psychology (4)

Intended to expose students to interventions by social psychologists in real‑world problem solving.  Topics include applied nature of social psychology; social psychology of education, religion and politics; cross‑cultural psychology; social psychology and legal issues; consumer behavior; social psychology and social policy; and conservation and environmental concerns.  Prerequisites:  PSY 305 or PSY 331 or PSY 242 or PSY 352 or equivalent or permission of instructor.


PSY 445      Group Dynamics and Interpersonal Communication (4)

Examines interaction in small groups.  Topics include group structure and development, and aspects of group process such as problem‑solving, decision‑making, productivity, creativity, power, conflict resolution, leadership, and communication.  Skill in application of concepts of group dynamics is developed through exercises in experiential learning and observation.  Prerequisite: PSY 242 or PSY 352 or equivalent.


PSY 460      Neuropsychology (4)

The mind arises from the brain and every topic in psychology has a biological basis.  This course is a survey of the biological bases of a wide array of topics, including perception, motivation, emotion, bodily movement, learning, memory and language.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 470      Psychological Testing (4)

Examines the basic concepts of measurement theory and their application to developing, administering, and interpreting psychological tests.  Moral, ethical, and legal issues associated with testing and the use of test results are considered.  Prerequisites: PSY 222 or PSY 331 or PSY 352 or equivalent.


PSY 477      Principles of Psychological Counseling (4)

Examines the theories and techniques used in counseling situations.  Special attention will be given to interviewing skills, ethical issues, and the interpersonal dynamics that comprise the major therapeutic approaches.  Prerequisites:  PSY 222 or PSY 331 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.


PSY 490      Selected Topics in Psychology (4)

An in depth treatment of a selected topic in Psychology.  Provides students with the opportunity to investigate psychological subject matter.  Students may receive credit in a future semester for different topic areas.  Prerequisite: PSY 100 or an introductory psychology course.


PSY 491      Independent Study (Variable 1‑4)

Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member.  The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisite: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.


PSY 492      Practicum in Psychology (4)

Supervised, discipline‑related experience in a community service agency is provided.  The major emphasis is to help the student in applying theoretical knowledge to real life situations, and to develop skills and competence as a professional.  Regular meetings with agency supervisor and practicum coordinator are an essential feature of the practicum.  Minimum GPA 3.0 and permission of the psychology department are required for admission.  Prerequisites: PSY 305, PSY 310, and PSY 385 or equivalent.  This course will not be a substitute for one of the three advanced courses required to complete the credits to major in the Psychology program.


PSY 493      Senior Seminar in Psychology (4)

Special topics of current interest and relevance are treated in‑depth.  Emphasis is placed on the critical analysis of current research literature and development of independent projects by seminar members.  Topics vary from semester to semester.  Prerequisites: Senior standing, PSY 310 and PSY 385 or equivalent and permission of instructor.