Computer Information Systems

IS 305          Application Programming with COBOL (4)

Problem solving, algorithm development, and application development using the COBOL programming language.  Emphasizes user interface, calculations, data sorting, report writing, data manipulation, data validation, string operations, intrinsic functions, and file handling based on the structured/procedural paradigm.  Programming tools that leverage the power of the COBOL programmer are included.  Prerequisite:  CS 240.


IS 310          Hardware and Network Infrastructure (4)

Conceptual and practical study of the computer hardware, connectivity devices, and other supporting artifacts that comprise enterprise internal information systems and external systems like the public Internet.  Topics include:  fundamental digital logic; common integrated chips and boards for computer organization; execution of processor instructions; device interfacing; peripheral devices; common abstractions for enabling software development; major functions of an operating system; common connectivity devices and their operation.  Prerequisite:  CS 108.


IS 320          Systems Analysis and Design (4)

Examines the process of logically developing information systems.  Focuses on the analysis, planning, and logical design phases of the systems development life cycle that culminate in the specification of functional system requirements.  Concentrates on methods, techniques, and tools used to determine information requirements and the documentation of these requirements in a thorough and unambiguous form.  Topics include:  data collection; risk and feasibility analysis; requirements analysis; process modeling; data modeling; prototyping; joint application development; rapid application development; structured walkthroughs; project management; presentations; report writing.  Prerequisite:  CS 240.


IS 324          SQL Programming (2)

Designed to develop SQL programming proficiency.  Emphasis is placed on the Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) of SQL.  Upon completion, students should be able to write SQL statements which create, update, and maintain database tables as well as write SQL queries to manipulate data in database tables.  Prerequisite:  CS 108 or equivalent knowledge.  Students may not receive degree credit for both IS 324 and IS 325.


IS 325          Database Management Systems (4)

Introduction to fundamentals of database management systems, techniques for database design, and principles of database administration.  Emphasizes data modeling, database design, database application development, and database management.  Topics include conceptual models; logical models; normalization; query languages; architectures such as centralized, distributed and client/server; database integrity; database security; error recovery; and concurrency control.  Prerequisite:  CS 240.


IS 330          Decision Support and Intelligent Systems (4)

An introduction to the fundamentals of Decision Support Systems (DSS).  Focuses on the logical aspects of data processing and analysis.  Topics to be discussed include historical review of computerized decision support, DSS architecture.  Data Warehouses, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and Data Mining.  The student is introduced to the principles of Intelligent Systems with an emphasis on Expert Systems (ES) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).  The organizational and business implications of decision support systems are reviewed.  Prerequisite:  CS 240.


IS 340          E-Commerce (4)

An introduction to the fundamentals of e-business and e-commerce.  Topics to be discussed include e-business models, principles of electronic business transactions, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), electronic checks, and digital cash.  The student is introduced to the protocols of secure e-commerce including the basics of cryptography, digital signatures.  Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol (SET).  The languages and e-commerce technologies to be discussed include Java, JavaScript, XML, intelligent agents, and networking protocols.  Prerequisite: CS 240.


IS 469          Information Technology Project Management (4)

Enables students in the information technology area to understand project management principles for IT programs and be able to apply these principles to successfully manage IT projects.  Covers the essentials of IT project management which include attributes of projects, project integration management, project scope, time, and cost management, project quality and risk management, human resources and communications management, and procuring IT projects and services from outside agencies.  Includes individual and group assignments and activities, including a group case study, where students can apply what they have learned to real-life situations.  Prerequisite:  IS 320.


IS 470          Database Programming (4)

Provides rigorous coverage of database programming using the Structured Query Language (SQL) and SQL coupled with other programming languages.  Topics include:  database management systems (DBMS); data definition; data manipulation; data control; database administration; report generation; DBMS built-in and programmer-created procedures, functions, packages, and triggers.  Prerequisite:  IS 325 or equivalent and SQL programming proficiency.


IS 490          Special Topics in Systems (Variable 1-4)

An in-depth treatment of a selected topic not normally treated extensively in other Information System courses.  The subject matter covered in this course will not be repeated in a future semester.


IS 491          Independent Study/Information Systems (Variable 1-4)

Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member.  The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned.  Prerequisites:  Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean.


IS 495          Computer Information Systems Practicum (2)

Capstone course for Computer Information Systems (CIS) majors.  Students form teams and each team spends an entire semester working to satisfy a set of requirements for a real-world organization.  Teams will gain experience in all phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and project management.  Periodic written and oral presentations are required.  Success requires student teams to work as a cohesive unit which draws upon components of the entire CIS curriculum.  Prerequisites:  IS 310, IS 320, and IS 325.