Wristbands raise money for Relay for Life

February 2017
Relay Wristbands

Selling for $1 each, these Colleges Against Cancer wristbands help raise funds for Relay for Life at SUNY Poly.

SUNY Poly’s Colleges against Cancer Chapter is selling wristbands for $1 each, with all proceeds being donated to SUNY Poly’s Relay for Life as they work to achieve their goal of raising $30,000 at the 2017 Relay event.

Last year, the first-ever Relay for Life event at SUNY Poly’s Utica campus was held, raising more than $19,000 for cancer research.

The group was in the Student Center and the Campus Center lobbies at the end of January and beginning of February selling the wristbands, but if you missed out – don’t fret! You still have the chance to lend a helping hand and a helping dollar.

All you need to do is contact Student Activities Coordinator Alyssa Napolitano via email at napolia@sunyit.edu or by phone at extension 7132 to get a wristband and help SUNY Poly fight back against cancer.

“The great thing about multiple, smaller-scale fundraisers is that is allows the Relay planning committee’s resources to be used wisely in order to raise the most funds possible,” Napolitano said.

In just three days, Colleges Against Cancer (the college-sponsored group that plans and implements Relay for Life) sold 168 bracelets and raised $200.

“A dollar here and a dollar there adds up – and as the age old homage says, every penny counts!” Napolitano said. “Each donation leads us one step closer to our $30,000 goal and our ability to support the American Cancer Society in their mission.”