University Police

The University Police Department is a team of professionals working with the campus community. Its goal is to provide a safe environment in which the educational mission of SUNY Poly can be fully realized.

The University Police Department is primarily service-oriented, and is tailored to meet the specialized needs of a campus community. The work of the department includes crime prevention and control, criminal investigations, traffic and parking supervision, building security, emergency first-aid treatment, the maintenance of public order, and other related activities.

The officers of the department are responsible for the enforcement of all state and local laws, as well as the rules and regulations of SUNY Poly. The officers are police officers, and obtain their powers from the Criminal Procedure Law. The department’s ability to function as an independent law enforcement agency enables it to provide a sensitive, measured approach to all situations requiring police officer assistance, while still maintaining the autonomy of SUNY Poly.

The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education.

For more information view the Utica Clery Report (pdf).

SUNY Poly University Police: 315-792-7222