Advanced Technology

MST 502        Engineering Economy (3)

Study of the application of technical and economic analysis, with the goal of deciding which course of action best meets technical performance criteria and uses scarce capital in a prudent manner.  Applied software technology will be used to analyze the economy of new product designs, structures, systems, qualities, reliabilities, and services.  Prerequisite:  College Algebra.

MST 503        Recent Advances in Technology (3)

This course will analyze current and future trends and original research advances in the two concentration areas of the MSAT program.  The course will include seminars, invited lectures and visits.  It will be taught by a team of instructors.

MST C           Engineering and Society (3)

The interaction between engineering and society has had many unexpected results.  Students will learn how the major engineering systems have impacted society and how society changed the final design of the engineering systems.  The course will look at both intended and unintended consequences of the final engineering design.

MST 515        Transportation Terminal Design (3)

Transportation terminal design requires that engineers look at the interactions between passengers, freight and the transportation systems that they use.  The design of terminals is a key component of a transportation system.  Terminals are designed to provide security, storage, and access to different modes of transportation.  The course will focus on airports, rail stations and truck terminals.

MST 520        Network Technology for Multimedia Systems (3)

The course deals with the study of networking for automated manufacturing, medical and commercial systems.  Protocols, configurations, topologies, such as broadband cable and for dynamic networks are discussed.  Use of optical networks for interactive video, wireless networks and virtual reality for industrial usage will also be introduced.

MST 525        Issues in Transportation (3)

Examines issues affecting the transportation industry.  Issues include toll roads, security, congestion management, Intelligent Transportation Systems and telecommuting and issues of interest to the class.  Discussions focus on the methods involved and the societal impacts due to changing the current transportation system.  Pre/Corequisites:  MST 510 or permission of the instructor.

MST 535        Advanced Traffic Engineering (3)

Advanced course in traffic operations analysis.  Topics include traffic flow theory, signalized control theory, interchange analysis, and small and large network analysis using simulation.  Prerequisite:  CTC 340 or equivalent.

MST 540        HVAC System Design (3)

HVAC system design, Comfort Design/Product Categories, Psychrometric Theory, Applied Psychrometrics, Mechanical refrigeration, Load Estimating, Design Project.  Prerequisites: An undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology / Engineering or consent of instructor.

MST 545        Alternative Fuel Vehicles (3)

Current and future fuel vehicle technologies will be presented and evaluated. The class will exam each alternative fuel’s associated environmental and economic challenges.

MST 550        Constant Volume System Design (3)

Constant Volume Packaged and Split System Design, Concepts of Exposure Zoning, Occupancy Zoning and Zoning with Unzoned Systems, Outdoor Air Analysis, Packaged Equipment Familiarization and Selection, Room Air Distribution, Duct Design, Direct Digital Control (DDC) Systems, Packaged Split Systems, Refrigerant Piping Design, Design Project.  Prerequisites:  An undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology/Engineering or consent of instructor.

MST 560        Variable Volume/Temperature (VVT) and Variable Air Volume

                        (VAV) System Design (3)

Variable Volume/Temperature (VVT) and Direct Expansion Variable Air Volume (VAV) System Design, Product Recognition, Applied HVAC Acoustics, Zoning and Central Equipment, VVT Air Terminal Design, VAV Air Terminal Design, Direct Expansion (DX) Coils/Air Handlers Familiarization, Split System Selection/DX Piping Design, VAV Fan Performance and Control Systems, Design Project.  Prerequisites:  An undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology/Engineering or consent of instructor.

MST 565        Sustainable Energy for Sustainable Development (3)

An overview of sustainable energy as a basis for sustainable development. Topics include: energy resource evaluation, types of energy, economic and physical demand for energy, resource utilization (land, water, and other fixed assets), technical performance including implications of the second law of thermodynamics, regional and global effects of energy production, role of economic evaluation in energy projects, sustainability metrics, future resources including geothermal, biomass, solar thermal & solar electric, wind and hydropower. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

MST 570        Design and Analysis of Experiments (3)

The use of experiment design early in the product cycle can substantially reduce development lead time and cost, leading to processes and products that perform better in the field and have higher reliability than those developed by using other approaches.  Students will learn principles as well as implementation of experimental design in developing products and manufacturing processes that are robust to environment factors and other sources of variability.

MST 571        Applied Water System Design (3)

Applied Water System design, Water Coils, Fan Coil/Air Handling Units, Control Valves, Piping System Layout, Water Pipe Sizing, Chiller Systems/Selection, Water Pumps, Cooling Towers, Design Project.  Prerequisites:  An undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology/Engineering or consent of instructor.

MST 576        Mechanical Design with ALGOR & ProE (3)

In-depth study of Finite Element Theory and its application.  Emphasis will be given to discretization, modeling and interpretation of results.  Software packages such as ALGOR and ProE will be extensively used.  Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.  Prerequisites:  MST 500, MAT 322 or equivalent.

MST 580/CSC 580    Computer and Robotic Vision (3)

Two and three dimensional systems, image formation, sensor devices, illumination, processing of images, feature extraction & recognition, robotics inspection, actor devices.

MST 598        Industrial Instrumentation & Signal Processing (3)

In-depth study of instruments and methods for measuring phenomena such as temperature, pressure, speed, and acceleration, with an emphasis on industrial applications.  Topics include the generation of signals by electro-mechanical transducers, computer-based data acquisition and storage, and processing of electrical signals using techniques such as amplification, conditioning, filtering, and analog-to-digital conversion.

 MST 622        Intelligent Control Systems (3)

First, the traditional control techniques are introduced and contrasted with intelligent control.  Fuzzy logic then, is introduced as one of the methods for representing and processing information.  Advantages of fuzzy logic over other techniques are pointed out, while indicating some limitations as well.

MST 640        Dynamics of Rigid Body (3)

In depth study of planar kinematics and kinetics of Rigid Body.  Topics include translation, rotation principle of work and energy, impulse angular momentum, and gyroscope motion.  Prerequisite:  MTC 430 or Calculus Based Dynamics Course.

MST 673        System Simulation (3)

The course addresses the following topics:  Overview of computer modeling and simulation, systems and models, queuing theory, simulation of discrete and continuous systems, simulation software packages.

MST 680        Reliability and Quality Assurance (3)

This course is a study of applications of reliability-maintainability models, reliability testing and analysis, and quality engineering-design, process, control and quality transformation.  Prerequisite:  Statistics, Statistical Quality Control or equivalent or consent of instructor.

 MST 682        Topics in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) (3)

An overview of the components of CIM Enterprise, System Design, Material Handling,  Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII), Manufacturing Database and Management, Expert Systems for Manufacturing.  Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.  Prerequisites:  An undergraduate course in CAD or CAM or CIM, or consent of instructor.

MST 690        Project (1 to 6)

The course deals with the design or in depth analytical or experimental study of a topic chosen from the area of advanced technology.  Oral examination and formal, bound report is required.  Project will be conducted under the guidance of appropriate faculty.  It will be assigned on the basis of faculty interest and preparation of the students. Students may sign up for 1 to 6 credits per semester. Grades will not be assigned until 6 credits of the project are completed. Prerequisite:  Graduate status.