Graduate Tuition & Fees

All tuition and fees are subject to change based on Board of Trustees resolutions and legislation. The tuition rate is determined by the student level of study, not the level of the course.

Tuition Charges Per Semester

As of 2023/2024 Academic Year

12+ Credit Hours

1-11 Credit Hours

New York Resident

$5,655 per semester

$471 per credit hour

Out-of-State Resident

$12,490 per semester

$1,041 per credit hour

MBA NYS Resident

$7,615 per semester

$635 per credit hour

MBA Out-of-State Resident

12,935 per semester

$1,078 per credit hour

PhD NYS Resident

$5,655 per semester

$471 per credit hour

PhD Out-of-State Resident

$12,490 per semester

$1,041 per credit hour

Comprehensive Student Fee

$777.50 per semester

$64.42 per credit hour

Mandatory Fees Per Semester

As of 2024-2025 Academic Year

The Comprehensive Student Fee supports programs not provided by tuition dollars or state subsidy that enrich the quality of a student’s total experience at SUNY Poly. All components of the Comprehensive Student Fee are mandatory. The typical Comprehensive Student Fee supports activities at the following levels:

(Per Semester)
College Fee $25
Intercollegiate Athletics $243
Center for Student Involvement $125
Health Services $167
Technology Applications $164

The College Fee is established by the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York.

The Center for Student Involvement Fee provides the funding for activities sponsored for the students, under the direction of the students’ governing bodies.

The Intercollegiate Athletics Fee provides funding to operate and sustain competitive intercollegiate athletics programs at the campus. It is not a fee for use of athletic facilities by the students.

The Health Services Fee is used to support the services provided by the Health Center. Students must provide a health history and physical examination to be eligible for routine medical care.

The Technology Fee is used to upgrade, modify and make significant technological advances in classrooms and laboratories used by SUNY Poly students.

First-time transfer students are assessed a mandatory one-time Orientation Program fee of $50, freshmen are assessed a mandatory one-time Orientation Program fee of $150, used to support activities and programs which aid the student transition to a new academic campus environment.

For part-time per credit charges, please view Per-Credit Rate-Based Tables on our Tuition & Fee page.