SE 500 Introduction to Systems Engineering (3)
System definition, specification, system design, system development and implementation. This course focuses on the design of systems that produce a product. Understanding the system used to produce this design, and to produce the system, is an integral part of the course. The components of System Engineering include: functional analysis, requirements analysis, translation of functions and requirements into a system and product architecture, and testing to verify the product meets the requirements. Decision methodology, alternative analysis, trade studies, integration of human factors, producibility, reliability, maintainability, feasibility, and safety are addressed as part of the product design system.
SE 501 Dynamic Systems Theory (3)
Introduction to analytical concepts and examples of dynamic systems and control. Mathematical description and state space formation of dynamic systems; modeling, controllability, and observability. Eigenvector and transform analysis of linear systems including canonical forms. Performance specifications. State feedback: pole placement and the linear quadratic regulator. Introduction to MIMO design and system identification using computer tools and laboratory experiments.
SE 505 Probability and Stochastic Processes (3)
This course is designed for students with a background in engineering, technology, or science that have not taken a class in statistics or need a refresher class. In this class we will apply probability and statistics throughout a system’s life cycle. Topics include the roles of probability and statistics in Systems Engineering, the nature of uncertainty, axioms and properties of probability models and statistics, hypothesis testing, design of experiments, basic performance requirements, quality assurance specification, functional decomposition, technical performance measurements, statistical verification, and simulation.
SE 510 System Conceptual Design (3)
During this course conceptual design of a system will be presented. This phase of the systems engineering effort includes such activities as requirements elicitation, problem analysis, system specification and system cost estimation. These elements are used as the foundation of the conceptual design.
SE 515 Systems Engineering Management (3)
Systems Engineering management occurs in all phases of a systems life cycle. Students will be introduced to program planning through the development of the Systems Engineering Management Plan. Areas such as risk, configuration, data and test management will be presented. Technical performance measures, engineering reviews, development of cost projections and program schedules will be discussed.
SE 520 System Design and Integration (3)
Techniques and tools for the design, development and integration of systems will be covered. IDEFx will be introduced and SysML will be extended. Case studies will be used to develop analytical skills. System decision considerations such as availability of materials and technology and the management of the value chain will be covered. Prereq: SE 510.
SE 530 Reliable System Design (3)
Students will develop skills in the design of reliable systems across a variety of system types. Concepts of risk, its analysis and characterization will be presented. Failure modes and effects analysis will be developed through the use of fault and event trees. Notions of reliability will be presented and optimization of system design based on reliability will be discussed.
SE 590 Engineering Software Intensive Systems (3)
This course explores the unique challenges faced by teams engineering large-scale software- intensive systems (i.e., systems which have a large software component). Techniques in software requirements elicitation, object-oriented design, and quality assurance are presented in the context of an iterative software development process. Particular attention is paid to object- oriented modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and real-world case studies of software development within commercial and government organizations. Techniques to facilitate the engineering of reliable and secure software systems are introduced. This course is an introduction to software engineering for experienced engineers whose area of expertise is outside computer science. This course will enable them to more effectively communicate with software users and developers and make sound management decisions with respect to software-intensive systems development.
SE 591 Independent Study (1-3)
Independent Study. Permission of the instructor is required.
SE 620 Introduction to Architecture Based Systems Engineering (3)
Architecture based systems engineering provides System designers with the tools to effectively deal with the complexity, uncertainty, and cost associated with the development or modification of systems of systems. This course introduces students to architecture based systems engineering process through the examination and design of both system and domain specific architectures in current architectural frameworks. Zachman, and DODAF frameworks will be considered. Prerequisite: SE 520.
SE 621 System Architecture Design (3)
Architecture design and representation using approaches such as object orientation, and structured analysis. Development of executable models will be developed for evaluation. Roles of the architect and the systems engineer will be discussed. Prereq: SE 620.
SE 633 Discrete Event Systems (3)
Review of system theory fundamentals distinguishing between time-driven and event-driven dynamics. Modeling of Discrete Events and Hybrid Systems; Automata, Hybrid Automata, Petri Nets, basic queueing models, and stochastic flow models. Monte Carlo computer simulation: basic structure and output analysis. Analysis, control, and optimization techniques based on Markov Decision Process theory with applications to scheduling, resource allocation, and games of chance.
SE 650 Complex Adaptive Systems (3)
Complex engineered systems are comprised of many heterogeneous subsystems and are characterized by observable complex behaviors that emerge as a result of interactions among the subsystems at several levels of organization and abstraction. Understanding, designing, building and controlling such complex systems is a major challenge for systems engineers today. We will use a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to examine the interrelationship between the business enterprise and technology and to expose the nature of complexity for given cases. Prerequisite: SE 520.
SE 690 Selected Topics in Systems Engineering (3)
Topics will vary from semester to semester. In-depth development of topics reflecting current research areas of faculty. Example topics might include: Information security considerations for system design, Transportation systems design, Environmental systems, Electrical power distribution incorporating alternate energy sources, Decision support systems, and Systems on a chip. May be repeated for credit. Prereq: Advanced Graduate Standing.
SE 698 Systems Engineering Project (3)
Students must work with an advisor to develop an acceptable project. This project must bring together all aspects of systems engineering starting with an identified need, defining and documenting requirements, analyzing alternative approaches to meeting the requirements, conceiving a system or architecture that fits the selected approach, followed by decomposing the system and allocating functions to sub-components and designing them. Students will produce all necessary artifacts and present designs to customer/ advisor as a part of preliminary, critical, and final design reviews. Students will devise and document plans to address risk, configuration management, data management (if applicable), system engineering management (if applicable), system test and validation. The student must successfully complete a total of 6 credits of Systems Engineering Project to fulfill the degree requirements with the project option.
SE 699 Thesis (3)
Upon approval of the advisor, the student will research and write an original work on a significant topic in the field of Systems Engineering. The student must successfully complete a total of 6 credits of Thesis to fulfill the degree requirements with the thesis option.