Faculty/Staff Directories

Please use this form to create and/or update your directory listing. If you are a NEW faculty/staff member please complete all sections. If you already have a directory listing, please complete only the sections where updates are needed. Thank you.

"*" indicates required fields

Name * Required
If you go by something other than your first/last name, please enter it here. (e.g. George Washington Carver → G.W. Carver)
Please enter your job title.
Please enter the building where your office is located. If you have an office in both locations, enter your PRIMARY location first. (i.e. NFE/Kunsela Hall)
Please enter your office room number.
Please enter your primary department/constellation.
Please select your college (if applicable).
Include area code.
URL to your website (if applicable).
Enter any additional information you would like to appear on your directory listing (education, expertise, publications, presentations, etc.)
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